Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Close Race Headed for Home

The Elephant and The Donkey's Election Day Predictions

             With just one week left until election day, the campaigns are at a near dead heat in the popular vote. While the Electoral College System gives an advantage to Obama, the race is far from over. Most election trackers show Obama with a 47 point Electoral College lead (now where have I heard that number before?), with 253 Colleges compared to Romney's 206. While six states are still toss-ups, most of them in dead heats, this race isn't as close as it seems. To win, all Obama has to do is pick up either Ohio, or Florida, or an assortment of other states that adds up to 17. Romney on the other hand needs to pick up every swing state (excluding New Hampshire, and Colorado) to win the Presidency.
              While the election appears to be trending Obama on the Electoral College front, Romney could easily win the popular vote. A variety of factors could also change the result of the election. For one Hurricane Sandy could make a mess of transportation. This would let only the most passionate of East Coast voters come to the polls. Voter turn out could be extremely low. While it's extremely likely that President Obama will be re-elected as the saying goes, it ain't over till it's over.

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