Friday, August 17, 2012

Romney Introduces "The Next President of the United States"

…Paul Ryan! Earlier this week, Mitt Romney announced that he had chosen tea party darling Paul Ryan to be his running mate in the upcoming presidential election. Romney's announcement was a rather safe choice, he didn't bring in a "maverick" like Sarah Palin, and Paul Ryan is a semi-popular senator in a key swing state: Wisconsin. While Paul Ryan is no Sarah Palin, as of yet, he has already drawn criticism for his stance on medicare, with many worried he will replace medicare with a voucher program. Ryan, a Tea Party darling, is perhaps most famous for writing much of the 2012 and 2013 Republican budget proposals. A new Washington Post/ABC Poll shows that only 38% of people surveyed viewed Ryan favorably, while this is a fifteen percent jump from before Gov. Romney's announcement, it still remains well below the 50% mark.

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