Saturday, March 24, 2012

Louisiana… Fast!

The campaign trail has headed back to the deep south for the Louisiana Primary. After victories in Mississippi, and Alabama, Santorum is considered a favorite in the Louisiana Primary. He'll need it to prove that Romney is not the inevitable nominee, but right now the math shows that Romney is the inevitable nominee.  Since Romney has almost 2.3x as many delegates as Santorum does, Santorum will need to win almost 75% of the remaining delegates if he has any chance of becoming the nominee. It would take a miracle for something different to happen (which Santorum will be praying for). The latest Public Policy Polling poll in Louisiana shows Santorum with a fourteen point lead over Romney. Like most other states, Romney is likely to win the urban centers of populace, like New Orleans, and maybe Baton Rouge. It will be interesting do see how Romney does in another state in which the majority of republican voters identifiy themselves as very conservative.

Credit to Wikipedia for this image

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