Saturday, June 30, 2012

Health Care Gains Strength, for a Full and Speedy Recovery

The very different reactions of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (left), and Speaker of the House John Boehner (right)

With a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court found the individual mandate in Obamacare constitutional, and with it, one of President Obama's most important pieces of legislation has secured its place in history. In a vote that stunned many, Chief Justice Roberts, a Bush appointee, decided the law was constitutional, and that the government did have the right to tax individuals who could, but wouldn't, purchase healthcare. This decision may have bolstered the Supreme Court's reputation for impartiality, because a vote down party lines, would have suggested bias in the Supreme Court. President Obama hailed this as a victory, while Governor Romney promises that if elected he would work to repeal it

Friday, June 22, 2012

Obama's Healthcare Plan on Life Support

The Supreme Court will issue its decision on Obamacare any day now. There are three possible scenarios which could occur. One: the Supreme Court could uphold Obamacare, which would be considered a huge victory for President Obama, while deflating the opposition. Two: the Supreme Court accepts parts of Obamacare, but throws out the most critical part, the individual mandate, which requires all individuals to purchase healthcare, or pay a penalty. This would not yield a clear winner, but Obama could be thought of as the loser. Three: the Supreme Court kills Obamacare, in a huge victory for the bill's opposition, and an immense loss for Obama. The issue of healthcare has split America into two groups,  mostly divided along party lines. It will also be interesting to see if the justices of the Supreme Court votes along their known leanings.