Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Romney Continues Victories in Now Unnecessary GOP Primaries

Mitt Romney won five states in primaries that just a few weeks ago, we would have been watching closely. Governor Romney of Massachusetts swept all five states in the now obsolete republican primary. The primaries contained many important states, including home state for former candidate Rick Santorum. Santorum's home state of Pennsylvania was what Santorum said would be the last straw for his campaign, if he lost. Instead Santorum dropped out what seems like eons ago, while Fmr. Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich prepares to drop out of the race. The general election has already started, and all eyes now turn to Romney's vice presidential pick.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rep. Allen West Calls Some Democratic Congressmen "Communist"

Republican congressman of Florida, and tea party darling Allen West said today that he believed that over 80 democratic members of congress were communist. Rep. West said that the Congressional Progressive Caucus was just a codename for a communist society in the US. While these remarks are untrue, they remind many people of when Senator Joe McCarthy stood up, and told the world that there were communists in the state department. Senator McCarthy's actions ignited a firestorm, and resulted in a series of witch hunts for the capture of these so called "communists". Senator West's remarks show a truly divided congress that uses foolish, lie-filled banter, used to hurl at the other side of the aisle, so that whichever party can try to blame the other guys for incompetence.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Romney's Sweep Shows End of the Line for Santorum

The Republican race for president is just about over, with Mitt Romney increasing his certainty of becoming the inevitable nominee. After a sweep in the three states that voted on Tuesday, Santorum's at the end of his luck. Now going onward into Pennsylvania, his home state in which he lost his senate bid by a landslide margin, his last chance is long gone. Though voters could change their minds, and in some weird turn of events there could be no consensus by the convention, and then the attendees of the convention would have to vote, there is a 99% chance of Romney getting the nomination. Romney has stopped mentioning Santorum, or any of the other candidates in his speeches. He's now directly targeting the president. While Santorum shows no signs of suspending his campaign, there is little to none chance of him being on the ballot in November. It seems that the long Republican race has just about drawn to a close. As of now, Santorum can only further embarrass himself with a loss in his home state 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wisconsin: The Dairy State's Decision

Wisconsin will get its chance to choose the next republican presidential nominee on Tuesday, and all polls favor Romney. The former Massachusetts governor has solidified his lead in Wisconsin with endorsements from popular Wisconsinites congressman Paul Ryan, and Senator Ron Johnson. This is expected to be one of Santorum's last chances at the nomination, which after a loss in the upcoming primaries, would be almost statistically impossible. The usually democratic state of Maryland, and the District of Columbia (where, in 2008, Obama captured 92% of the vote). This could be Santorum's last chance